We have had time to know each other, we have had time to discuss together,we have had time to understand more about culture, people in all countries in SEA ...
From my deepest, I would like to say that I love all of you ...
I wanna all of you to share you truth feeling and emotion here ...
It is a short moment that we come to share opinions, under the root of "Friendship"
I am happy to be a tiny part of this board, for a short while. Somedays later...may visit VN to explore some hidden charms, maybe you know what I mean........(kidding)
In Thailand, my province there is a big Cathedral same style as Vietnam Catholic. I want to try cobra or Tiger soup in Vietnam, I dare to taste dog's meat, but a little bit ha ha.
OK Bye...........
Catholic Cathedral in Thailand - look like as Vietnam, as it was constructed by French Catholic priests,