First of all, I would like to thank all of you who for visit this website regularly, and for sharing your idea, and information into this webboard. We highly appreciate your participation in this web.
However, there are some groups of people who are now trying to use this webboard to attack and insult each other, which violence the objective and goal of this web.
In this regards, I will, from now on, delete all the messages that sound aggressive, and those who try to insult others. If you find any messages that is impolite, please help me post the link of that post in this topic, and I will go and check, and do something for that post.
Remember that every posts here show the IP address, and I can send those IP to the security concern.
Let's enjoy the SEA Games as much as we can, and love each other.
BTW, please make it a forum rule for everyone to post in English, ASEAN's Official Language.. Or better yet, make subtopics per country or per sport. Just a suggestion, because right now, the message boards feel like a big mess..
The Board could look like this:
ASEAN Teams:
ASEAN Lounge Room (Any topics) Brunei Darusallam Cambodia Indonesia ....
Bumping this up. Let's also report spammers such as starboy who has been spamming the message boards with the same message. Really annoying to all the other posters here.
BTW, please make it a forum rule for everyone to post in English, ASEAN's Official Language.. Or better yet, make subtopics per country or per sport. Just a suggestion, because right now, the message boards feel like a big mess..
exactly. Many people just write their language and we don't understand what they said, except it's our mother tongue. Please make rule, so that everybody must use English to write something down. Around here, I see lots of guys use Vietnamese and Thai to write. Sorry all of u. It's very good, but we don't understand what u wrote. Please be polite
Vietnam - you'll be the King. Try your best - I always behind your back.
this link and please delete this account. Because he/she uses impolite word I do not need him use this word because F...Lao mean all Lao If he/she uses another name of the person that is not mean all lao I don't care because so many countries have whore or prostitute too. But not all people in that country he/she can f... yours respectfully.