This website is part Lao government for not personally into this website because you can not exchange your thoughts, discuss, and criticize, and yet all the messages will be sensor
Actually which on is official website? or or it is all of this web site owner is a same person?
I do notice that 'mahasan' is webmaster but it is a individual/company or goverment department/staff?
How about when someone here declare 'This website is part Lao government ' or i missunderstood.
But how about also declare as official 25th SEA Games website. Currently i see this most informative for participants country & for web design layout i think this website is much more better
Too many website claim as 'official or part of goverment/committe' will raise a misunderstood situation
What is wrong with Lao national football team U23? Why is so quiet? hat is wrong with Lao national football team? Why is so quiet! They are still in training camp or they are all at home? Or are they all drank in Boun suangheua
Hi! Thanks for the great information you have provided! You have touched on crucuial points! i bookmarked it and will be back to check it out some more later.