The cards are still available, but the modern mobile jammer usually don't support this type of storage media anymore. The card is cheaper than all the other types of storage media mentioned above. Storage Media for mobile jammer is constantly evolving and improving in quality and capacity. Years ago, the maximum storage capacity for an average memory card was 128MB or 256MB at max. They cost way too much, probably 300% more than they cost right now. The prices of cell phone jammer storage media gets lower every year as the technology gets better. The types of storage media provides diversity and choice for the average consumer with a cell phone jammer . Even if you decide to pick the least expensive cell phone jammer to serve your basic photography needs, you will still enjoy all the benefits of digital photography: no film rolls to buy, no wasted photos to dispose of and best of all, no waiting time to get them printed. New models of mobile jammer are constantly launched, and the older ones are becoming less expensive day by day. Know your priorities, check the most recent cell phone jammer reviews, and there should be a cell phone jammer to perfectly suit your needs. Small is beautiful. Today's mobile jammer are sometimes so small, that they fit into the breast pocket of your shirt easily and are still fully featured so you get the most out of the camera in almost every situation. Just imagine taking a picture of a wonderful sunrise when your are on your morning run or the happy smile of your kids when you pick them up after school. With a small cell phone jammer you don't have to lug around heavy equipment, you are always ready to take the picture of your life. But too small could be a nightmare for someone with large hands or big fingers. In this case it is not practical and the fingers could cover the lens, the internal flash or could not work the tiny buttons to select the diverse functions, a modern cell phone jammer offers. A larger, heavier cell phone jammer is useful when you want to do more serious work. Think about taking pictures where the internal flash is disabled and you work with longer shutter speeds. A heavier camera is easier to hold steady and it can better compensate the tine movement when you press the shutter button. There are many different kinds of cameras on the market today. The consumer has the choice between an ever increasing number of brands, but mainly his decision is based on what he wants to use the camera for and what his past experiences with photography are.