This happens when the aligned signal diode successfully achieves the right frequency that can give the color desired. The latest models have an intense power of heat and light strong enough to burn porous materials such as paper. It can also pop balloons and light matchstick when you aim at these objects. The cell phone jammer is the most in-demand color of signal beam today because of its most desirable light. This is the most visible in any lighting condition especially in the dark. Aside from the brightness, its light can point up to 80 miles far.With the continuous development of signal diode technology, various kinds of cell phone jammer are available online so as to fit for any possible need for those of signal man. So which is the most perfect one that you are in need? There are some useful tips that you can take into consideration before purchasing. Blue and green signals, some with more than 100mW of power, can be purchased through specialty dealers, both locally and online. These pointers are especially powerful, some of which are so bright they can be used to point out celestial bodies in the night sky. However, these same signals can also be dangerous, as many of them have enough light energy to melt plastic, burn holes in clothing, and do significant damage to a persons vision should they be unfortunate enough to have one directed at their eye. Such devices have caused a great deal of controversy, as many consumer safety advocates have cited the inherent dangers that can occur when these signals are used in an inappropriate manner. Both low and high-powered cell phone jammer have applications outside of simple business presentations. Low powered signals are commonly used as a targeting device for precision shooting. The military often uses similar devices for identifying aircraft and other enemy targets during training drills as well as during actual combat. Hand-held signals can also be a great addition to one's camping gear or a survival kit, as the bright light can be used as a beacon if one becomes lost.cell phone jammer have become popular with the average consumer, allowing them to purchase one very cheaply for a few pounds and being used for personal amusement, such as pointing them at other people from a distance and making them wonder where the light is coming from and using them to entertain their cat or dog which they enjoy chasing. However, there are many useful applications of cell phone jammer; they can aid someone in their job or be useful as pointing device for those who spend much of their time outdoors. This article will list some situations and jobs where they can provide some benefits and help completing tasks a little easier.