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When Jean Valjean, on the evening nike soccers shoes of the very day when Javert had arrested him beside Fantine's death-bed, had escaped from the town jail of M. sur M., the police had supposed that he had betaken himself to Paris. Paris is a maelstrom indoor soccer shoes where everything is lost, and everything disappears in this belly of the world, as in the belly of the sea. No forest hides a man as does that crowd. Fugitives of every sort know this. They go to Paris as to adidas soccer shoes an abyss; there are gulfs which save. The police know it also, and it is in Paris that they seek what they have lost elsewhere. They sought the ex-mayor of M. sur M. Javert was summoned mizuno king soccer cleats to Paris to throw light on their researches. Javert had, in fact, ren Guillaume Lambert." Lambert is a respectable and extremely reassuring name. Thereupon Javert returned to Paris. "Jean Valjean is mizuno soccer cleats for men certainly dead," said he, "and I am a ninny." He had again begun to forget this history, when, in the course of March, 1824, he heard of a singular personage who dwelt in the parish of Saint-Medard and who had adidas soccer indoor shoesbeen surnamed "the mendicant who gives alms." This person, the story ran, was a man of means, whose name no one knew exactly, and who adidas indoor soccer lived alone with a little girl of eight years, who knew nothing about herself, save that she had come from Montfermeil. Montfermeil! that name nike total 90 soccer shoes was always coming up, and it made Javert prick up his ears. An old beggar police spy, an ex-beadle, to whom this person had given alms, added a few more details. This gentleman of property was very cheap soccer cleats shy,-- never coming out except in the evening, speaking to the bottom of a page. The paper announced that the convict Jean Valjean was dead, and published the fact in such formal terms that Javert did discounted soccer cleats not doubt it. He confined himself to the remark, "That's a good entry." Then he threw aside the paper, and thought no more about it. Some time afterwards, it chanced that a police report was transmitted from the prefecture adidas f30 soccer cleats of the Seine-et-Oise to the prefecture of police in Paris.ZHC adidas f50 cleats nike soccer shoes mizuno soccer cleats
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